Business and Taxes
AMT Alternative Minimum Tax
CCA Capital Cost Allowance
CEC Cumulative Eligible Capital
CNIL Cumulative Net Investment Loss
EBITDA Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization
UCC Undepreciated Capital Cost
Government and Children
CCTB Canada Child Tax Benefit
CESG Canada Education Savings Plan
CDB Child Disability Benefit
NCB National Child Benefit Supplement
RESP Registered Education Savings Plan
HBP Home Buyer’s Plan
LLP Lifelong Learning Plan
Government and the Disabled
CDSB Canada Disability Savings Bond
CDSG Canada Disability Savings Grant
DTC Disability Tax Credit
RDSP Registered Disability Savings Plan
Government and Pensions
CPP Canada Pension Plan
EI Employment Insurance
GIS Guaranteed Income Supplement
OAS Old Age Security Pension
QPP Quebec Pension Plan
Investment Terms
CD Certificate of Deposit
DSC Deferred Sales Charge
FEL Front-End Load
GIC Guaranteed Investment Certificate
IR Internal Rate of Return
LL Low Load
ROR Rate of Return
TD Term Deposit
Life Insurance
LPL Limited Payment Life
MTAR Maximum Tax Actuarial Reserve
T10 Or, T5, T20 – Term insurance for a period of 5, 10 or 20 years
T100 Term Insurance to Age 100
UL Universal Life
WL Whole Life (insurance)
Individual Pensions
IPP Individual Pension Plan
PA Pension Adjustment
PAR Pension Adjustment Reversal
RPP Employer Registered Pension Plan
DBP Defined Benefit Plan
DCP Defined Contribution Plan
MPP Money Purchase Plan
PSPA Past Service Pension Adjustment
Retirement Savings and Investment
DPSP Deferred Profit Sharing Plan
LIF Life Income Fund
LIRA Locked-In Retirement Account
LRIF Locked-In Retirement Income Fund
PRIF Prescribed Retirement Income Fund
RRIF Registered Retirement Income Plan
RRSP Registered Retirement Savings Plan
TFSA Tax-Free Savings Account
Common Designations for Advisors’ Education
CDFA Certified Divorce Financial Analyst
CFP Certified Financial Planner
CSA Certified Seniors Advisor
CH.F.C. Chartered Financial Consultant
CLU Chartered Life Underwriter
RFP Registered Financial Planner
TEP Trust and Estate Planner